Where thou art,
that is home.
~Emily Dickinson
Before moving on with my birthday in Assisi (December 9th) and the rest of the sight seeing, I would like to show you were I stayed while I was in Assisi.
I got my reservation, as I usually do, through Venere.com. It's handy because you just type in the dates and price range and voilà! Up come your options and there are reviews and photos. I actually had remembered this building from previous trips, so I knew it was in a great location, a very short walk up, from the main Piazza Commune.
Take a moment and imagine me getting my bags very clumsily up the stairs, in view of neighboring shop owners. One came out, "Ring! The bell!" He might have been pantomiming to press a button, which I think was actually an intercom. Sometimes the owners are down at the restaurant they run on the Piazza, by the same name.
Anyway, a nice man came to the door and got me all checked in. Fortunately, my credit card went right through this time. (Unlike when I arrived in Rome and the fraud alert came up, even though I had called Visa!) I got my little single room for a bargain! 45 Euro a night, which was around 60 bucks a night, including breakfast! Of course, these are December prices. Not sure about the rest of the year.
After I got checked in, I went up another little flight of stairs, to my room. The rooms had flower names ... and mine was ....
Really? Violet? The name of my blog and the only plant that I can keep alive for years at a time? Kismet, I thought. Synchronicity!
I made myself at home. You can see my window there, in the middle. At 5' 5," I would stand on the ledge that was under the heater, to see my view. It was spectacular, and seen here in the first photo of that post, in case you missed it!
You want to get everything out of the bathroom before you shower, so you don't get everything wet.
At breakfast, someone was always there to make a wonderful cup of cappuccino, (or tea, but hello I was in Italy, for goodness sake!) in the little breakfast room. And, I have to say, everything tastes better in or on Italian pottery!
I'm calling it the breakfast room, but you can go in in the afternoon for tea, as I recall.
There were meats and cheeses, in the morning, as well as pastries and bread, but mostly I stuck with the fresh yogurt and muesli, with a little honey ...
And, maybe a little treat ...
As you can see, there is a walkway that goes under the hotel ... and right there is a little wine bar.
The seats, on the right are for the wine bar, and cute as it was, I never made it in there. There was always so much to do and I was out and about all the time. I never made it there for a glass of vino rosso! Can you believe it?? Yet another excuse to go back!
Back in the hotel, outside my room, are a set of stairs ...
That go up to a little sitting room!
With a view ...
And another ...
And another!
Views in every direction!
I went back up there one evening to check out the view at twilight ...
I love this Medieval town ...
Above, you can see the Christmas lights over Piazza Commune, and below, the bell tower that hangs over the Piazza and Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
I loved my little home, for the 6 days I was there. It was wonderful and I would definitely stay there again. Thank you Hotel Palotta for a wonderful stay!
For more information about the hotel, you can check out their website here.
Where we love is home -
home that our feet may leave,
but not our hearts.
~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Blessings and light!