Descanso Gardens
A sweet song for Spring
in case you've been feeling "twitterpated"... ;)
The Japanese Garden at Descanso
I love springtime at Descanso Gardens. When my sister said she and Benjamin (my nephew) were coming to visit and wanted to go somewhere they'd never been, Descanso was going to be the perfect day!

We hit it just right for the lilacs! This was at the beginning of the season ... a couple of months ago!

With my buddy ...
We had a yummy lunch with a beautiful view of the wisteria ...
I've never seen the poppies so spectacular!

My last post of Descanso was back in December for the Enchanted Forest of Light, but I've posted spring pics before.
Descanso Gardens with other Spring views ... HERE.
and HEREand HERE
Clearly I have a fondness for the place!
To visit the Descanso Gardens website, click Here
At least once a day, stop long enough
to allow yourself to be truly amazed by a tree,
or a flower, or the sunlight dancing on land or sea.
That is the sacred space, the place within us
where we are witness to the ongoing miracles of life.
And the more we are open
to truly seeing them around us,
the more we are able to truly feel them with us.
Miracles are everywhere,
all the time,
waiting to be plucked by our awareness
into the makings of a happy life.
~Marianne Williamson
Blessings and light!