The most potent muse of all is our own inner child.
~Stephen Nachmanovitch
Well, it's that time of year again! I have been teaching summer art workshops at the Wizard of Art in L.A. for three weeks now, and it's time to share some of my favorites!
Here we go ...
Grey and Black Tabby
Watercolor on paper with charcoal accents
James, artist, animal lover, and future cover of Teen Beat, age 7
Tortoise on a Textured Ground
Watercolor on paper with salt texturing (background)
Owen, artist and future head of the biology department at Scripps Institute, age 9
Young Fox
Acrylic paint on Sculpey clay
Pearl, sculptor and future Tony winner, age 6
Jiminy Cricket
Preliminary sketch for animation cell (left)
Unfinished animation cell, paint and sharpie on Dura-lar acetate
Russell, animator and future winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, age 13
Baby Elephant
Pastel on Paper
Truly, Artist and most adult sense of humor, age 8
Red Biplane
Mixed media on paper
Aidan, artist, biggest smile, age 5
Cute Puppy
Watercolor with salted texture background
Malory, Artist and total sweetie-pie, age 6
Sabor tooth Garfield
Animation Cell
Acrylic on Dura-lar
salted watercolor background
Gabe, animator and most likely to live on the North Shore as a surf instructor, age 9
Bouquet of Flowers
Mixed Media on Paper
Jordan, Artist, age 5 and sister to Malory
... and most likely to have a doll made of her image
(could she be any cuter?)
La Tour Eiffel
Animation Cell
Leo, artist, most cuddly kid ever, age 4
(possibly the next Leo Buscaglia?)
Watercolor with salted texture background and charcoal accents
Simon, painter of fish, age 7
This is Isabella and she will be doing the "salted background" demo for you today.
After picking out and painting fabulous colors on your watercolor paper (which is taped down to your cardboard to prevent too much wrinkling) ...
You carefully (or not) sprinkle the salt on your wet paint. Carefully, if you are Isabella.)
Then you wait until it's completely dry ...
Brush off the salt ...
And if you are doing an animation cell, lay the plastic layer over your fabulous background.
Then, by all means, show off your work. Isabella is "8 and 3/4", and as you can clearly see, an artist and future art instructor at The Rhode Island School of Design.
For more amazing Kid Art, check out my past posts of more incredible kids HERE.
(And a few of the same kids when they were much tinier!)
The world is but a canvas to the imagination.
~Henry David Thoreau