Sunday, October 13, 2019

Art Inspiration, Velzyland and Turtle Bay ~ The Last of Hawaii

Nature always wears the colors
of the spirit.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kevin Surfing Big Sunset Beach 
Pastel on sanded paper
9 x 12"

I can't believe this was a year and a half ago! Both the pastel (above) and my time in Hawaii.

Here's some Hawaiian music to enjoy while visiting this post!

North Shore, O'ahu

The last year and a half has flown by, as time does, but really it is hard to believe! It was such a special time being with Kevin, Shannon and Makena on O'ahu. Velzyland was the first place Kevin took Makena to surf and it was beautiful, as always.

Kevin and Makena putting her fins on her surf board ...

The next photo is of my sarong drying in a tree. It was designed by my Aunt Cheri and handmade by batik artisans in Bali. I love the bamboo design!

Waiting on the beach watching Makena and Kevin surf some fun waves at V Land ...

Come forth into the light of things.
Let nature be your teacher.
~William Wordsworth

Turtle Bay
North Shore, O'ahu

Turtle Bay wasn't too far up the road from Kevin's old place, at Sunset Beach, and maybe a couple of  miles north of Velzyland. It's really the only big resort in the area and it is in a prime location, as you can see!

They also make a great poolside Mai Tai but I suggest limiting it to one! They are tasty but they do pack quite a punch!

I don't know what the name of these trees are, pictured in the photo below, but I love that they look like they are wearing hula skirts!

Kevin took the next couple of photos of me on the beach in my "monkey dress." Difficult to see the monkeys in this photo!

Here, below, you can a monkey! Anyway, it's on the beach to the West of the main part of the resort right by the horse stables.

Turtle Bay has a number of horses on their property. It was fun to photograph my friend's daughter with the horses because they absolutely loved her!

I was so inspired by this moment I decided I had to paint it! Of Course, with some silver leaf and a bit of artistic license!

A Moment in the Grass
12 x 16" 
Oil on Wood Panel

One of my absolute favorite things about the islands is listening to live Hawaiian music, especially at sunset. It is so magical and you feel you have been transported to another world ...

The view out of the car window heading to the airport.

Malama Ka 'Aina
Respect/Care for the land

A little goodbye Hawaii sketch of my lei ...

Hope you enjoyed the Hawaii posts even if they were about a year and a half after the fact!

Lots of art and other adventures coming up.
Hope you're all off to a beautiful fall!

Aloha nui loa!
Blessings and light!


Loree said...

WHat incredible beauty there is in Hawaii. The waves look amazing.

Candy said...

Wow! I want to go! I love all of your artwork and photos. Beautiful.

Cristina Deboni said...

Bellissimo reportage, un mare che incanta! Complimenti anche per i tuoi lavori pittorici! Ciao Cri : )

Haddock said...

Never been to Hawai. Lovely pictures. Like that reflection of the horse.

Cobalt Violet said...

Thanks for all the comments and visiting the blog!

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TEL U said...

thank you sis for creating such an interesting article, easy to understand, and very useful..

Liam S said...

I love how much inspiration nature provides.