The greater danger for most of us
lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short;
but in setting our aim to low and achieving our mark.
ceiling fresco, Sistine Chapel

I hope you all had a beautiful Easter or Passover and that you are all enjoying those beautiful moments when spring is peaking through the clouds!
After my spring break from Italian and Art History classes and my wonderful pastel workshop, I started back to school. I had convinced myself that a "B" would be absolutely fine (a gift even!) on my Art History midterm because there was so much information to cover! We studied 30 artists and another 30 terms and historic figures. On top of that, she gave us 5 essay questions to study and of that, she would pick 3 for the exam. Of those 3 questions, we could pick the 2 we wanted to write about.
Before returning our graded exams she explained what she had been looking for. Not just titles and dates of the artists' works but for their contributions to art and/or architecture. For the essay, the social, economic and political influences on art and so on.
Basically we were covering 1400-1600, Italy and Northern Europe.
Sistine Fresco, Rome
She picked up someone's paper to give us an idea of what she had wanted from us. She began to read "Giotto was an Italian artist, considered to be the "first Renaissance painter." With Giotto came a huge shift in Western art. ... In Lamentation in the Arena Chapel in Padua, painted in 1305, you can see modeled sculptural figures, an unseen light source creating light and shadow ... etc etc"
Phew, that sounds kinda like what I wrote ...
"Jan Van Eyck was the first Flemish artist to become known internationally. He popularized oil painting and portrait painting as an art form. His incredible Ghent Altarpiece is an amazing example of his work done in 1432 ... " She continued reading.
Wait ... that is my paper ...
She read my descriptions of Martin Schongaur, Brunelleschi, Alberti, Masaccio and Michelangelo, as well as the first page of my essay on Patronage in 16th century Italy and Northern Europe. Though no one knew whos paper it was, it was almost embarrassing how long it went on. (But I was also really happy!)
Then she said, "This is what an A+ sounds like. I don't expect everyone to do this, I mean, this (she held it over her head) was over the top, but at least you know what I am after." CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? I couldn't, but I smiled the whole way home (and for the next 3 days.)
I am still learning.
There is so much more to share about other things that have been going on here
but since I have gotten a bit carried away with my story, I will leave it there for today.
My beautiful friends,
I hope you are all getting showered with the love and praise you deserve
for your many amazing talents and gifts if not shower yourselves!
A blessed week to you!