As a kid I grew up doing little community theatre plays and singing with my family but it is not something I was obsessed with. More than anything I wished I had been born at an earlier time so that I could sing and dance with Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire. When I was ten my most cherished Christmas gift was a large hard-back coffee table book with big black and white photos of Fred Astaire and whomever happened to be in feathers. I loved him. When I got to high school, our theatre director was drunk most of the time so I didn't do any acting. I had an amazing art teacher, Patty Post, my senior year of high school so that is what I gravitated toward.
I planned to get my portfolio together by taking classes at a community college so I could apply to art school but by my second year I ended up in the theatre department. And then I was obsessed. I focused on acting for many years but always had a sketchbook and camera near by. When I moved to L.A. I quickly ended up with a commercial agent (the same one I am with 18 years later!)
Yesterday on facebook, my old neighbor Lawrence Zarian "The Fashion Guy" had posted his promo picture for the "Countdown to the SAG Awards" Sunday Night. Crap! I forgot to vote! I looked at the postcard announcing the first ever online voting by 12 noon January 28th. I looked up at the clock in the upper right hand corner of my computer screen. 11:15 am. I began madly typing.
I love voting. The Screen Actors Guild Awards started only shortly after I got my S.A.G. card and I remember being thrilled, getting to vote for people I loved and respected. Although, it's not exactly as exciting as going to the voting booth for a big political election. I even cry voting for president. (so moving!) I think of all those women who couldn't vote and fought my right to do so and I am overcome. Anyway, voting for actors who make a living doing something they love doesn't get me quite so worked up, but I still like having my say!
There were 12 categories and I took myself out of 4. Best stunt ensemble? No idea.
Lovely Erin, from Erin's Art and Gardens, posted a comment the other day ... "I thought you were a blond." I was. Pretty much my entire life, with the exception of the 6 months following a mishap involving a box of Revlon "Auburn #49" from the grocery store when I was 20. To say I looked like Ronald MacDonald would be a completely justified description.
I have always wanted to be a brunette. Playing Charlie's Angels as a little girl? Jaclyn Smith.
I have always had fun dressing up for theme parties and photos (yes, drama girl!) It actually became part of my annual Christmas card ritual and if I could do dark hair in the photo? All the better!
Lucinda's Christmas Card 2006
Photo taken by my friend John Lennon
Cut and pasted over Japanese Woodblock Print

Someone (sorry I can't remember who!) had asked me recently about my acting life ... which I haven been all that focused on for awhile but I went on YouTube and found one of my commercials that I did in ... 2006ish? Not Shakespeare but it paid the bills!
Back to the brunette thing ...
I finally did it on Wedneday! I am finally a brunette! Just like Jane Russell and Cyd Charisse.
;) LOL!!!
Well, not exactly but it's fun! And I would now like to apologize for my longest post ever! Did you make it through??
And those were seen dancing were thought to be insane
by those who could not hear the music.
~Friedrick Nietzsche
Blond, Brunette
Have a beautiful weekend!