I took the Greyhound from Port Authority in Manhattan to South Station Boston. For only 23 bucks I was going to see one of my best friends. Quite the bargain, eh? I met Dawn in my first acting class in L.A. We hit it off immediately and when she told me she was a Sagittarius, I said "Of course you are! The best sign!" All Sag's think this. Ask any one of us and we'll tell you!
She is one of those friends I have laughed with so hard I've started crying and cried so hard I laughed. We've shared our love of acting, Philadelphia Story, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. We drove across country together in 1999, singing songs from the 70s and 80s at top volume, windows down, with our hot pink nails and jazz hands feeling the cold air out the windows of her moving truck as we drove over the Rocky Mountains.

Now, 11 years later, I was in her home town . Two archer girls standing on a bridge in 20 degree weather, watching the ducks go by. And when the ducks beneath the bridge started to fly under us, creating these beautiful silhouettes, in unison, we gasped.

"You must understand the whole of life,
not just one little part of it.
That is why you must read,
that is why you must look at the skies,
that is why you must sing,
and dance
and write poems,
and suffer, and understand,
for all that is life."