It was as difficult and emotional leaving Assisi as it was the first time. I walked alone to the Basilica of St. Francis early on the day we were leaving and sat in his tomb, amid candle glow on stone walls and the shuffling of a few pilgrims passing Francis and his four closest companions. I felt the spiritual and emotional pull of that amazing place and how much I wished I could stay on.
Leaving, however, was made a bit easier by the thought of seeing a place my friend Kristen calls her "favorite place in Italy!" Positano.
Beautiful Positano ... was it already more than three months ago I left you?
We took the train to Naples where we were to get a car to pick us up and take us to our hotel. Finding myself in Naples, even if briefly, after peaceful Assisi was a complete culture shock. It felt like we had arrived on another planet! (A chaotic, crazy, loud, planet!) This feeling was thankfully short lived because soon we were winding our way around the rock cliffs of the Amalfi Coast. Ocean breeze and cobalt blue water ... no wonder my friend Kristen had fallen in love with it.
The Pizza in the first photo was brought to my Mom and I with an entourage of at least three smiling waiters. I love Italy.

The waiters stood there waiting for our reaction, which for me of course, was to photograph it!
Well it, and everything else!
Mom ...
Wherever you are, hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
"What we play is life."
~Louis Armstrong