When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision,
then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.
~Audre Lorde
The EIF Revlon Revlon Run/Walk for Women's Cancers was yesterday. I am not even quite sure what to say about it. It was an intense experience! At the start you could feel all of this energy ... it was very "charged." It's hard to explain but I'll try!
There was a beautiful, supportive atmosphere and a very emotional component as well. People held up signs of lost loved ones and at times there were survivors giving speeches ... but there was also this very joyful music and a powerful sense of excitement amongst the crowd.
Before the start, Halle Berry spoke and then, as the walkers got to the starting line she would shout out the team names (a lot of people walked in teams and some had rather funny names like, "Walkers for Knockers.") Halle was on a walkway over the top of the starting line. As Caroline (one of my oldest friends and my walking buddy) and I got close to her, something struck Halle and she could barely keep it together. She was trying not to completely burst into tears, at which point Caroline and I almost did!

The starting line ...
Beautiful Halle right before she almost "lost it." You can tell she is an emotional, sweet soul!
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.
Nothing is so gentle as real strength.
~Frances de Sale
Best moment? ... Walking through the tunnel onto the field of the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum!!! I was there for the '84 Olympic Games and had seen my High School Football team make the championship there! It was so exciting to be there!
With Caroline just before the finish line ... My t-shirt says "Fight light a Girl!" and is for ovarian cancer awareness.
The more you care,
the stronger you can be.
~Jim Rohn
There were sweet volunteers giving out metals to the runners and walkers, and a beautiful rose to each of the survivors. I took my rose and almost burst into tears again. I have a strange relationship with the label "survivor" but as one of Caroline's friends pointed out, "people just getting diagnosed or going through treatment can see you and have hope." Good point, but I think I will only be wearing the survivor hat (literally, that hat says "survivor"on it) when I "walk the walk."
Survivor Roses ...
I am very happy I did it.
It was a growing experience and thanks to my generous friends and family
(some of you here!)
Thanks to everyone for their support!
Make sure that you do what you can to take care of yourselves.
Women, do your breast exams, yearly checkups, ask questions and be familiar with the symptoms of ovarian cancer!
Men, talk to your doctors about what tests you should have and if you feel like somethings not quite right, don't give up until until you figure out what it is! Actually, that goes for everyone!
Blessings and light everybody!
What great photos! My own sister discovered that she had breast cancer last year, and while she was going thru chemo, she walked in the NYC Revlon Run/Walk, too. She raised a lot of money, as well. She and I talked today--I called to wish her a Happy Mother's Day...it's amazing to know that that is behind her now...I hope forever...
Congratulations to you for surviving the difficult things life threw at you and coming out that much stronger. Beautiful post, Lucinda.
Wow! Awesome Lu!! So proud of you! You are a survivor & an inspiration too!
Thanks Ladies! Big hugs to you all!
Thank you for your testimony and for your kind comment on my blog
Have a beautiful week
It must have been a good experience, kind of these which you remember many years!
Lucinda, you are a true inspiration and the Revlon run/walk sounds like an amazing experience!
I'm not surprised the event was emotional. I think I would cry too!
I admire all women who are fighters of cancer.
I met a strong lady the other day who is having treatment for breast cancer. She said the whole dreadful experience really changes a person.
I will tell her about your lovely post... Thank you for sharing and bringing more awareness.
Much light and blessings to you as well!
Jo. x
Those quotes you shared are SIMPLY PERFECT. The contrasts such as gentleness and strength are so true. And thank you for visiting my blog post! I hope you had a marvelous time, but from what I can see, you had a memorable day and KUDOS to all these STRONG AND GENTLE PEOPLE!!! What if the entire world took one day to be kind?
Blessings, Anita
Very emotional post, in Spain we have had multiple races also popular in several cities to raise funds for the same reason.
It looked like a perfect day to be shared. Congrats on raising the $$. My dear friend has just been diagnosed with stage 4 uterus cancer. I have been in shock myself the last 3 weeks visiting and helping out. I'm going to believe she will beat this. That reminds me I should look up the color for this cancer and get a band. Big hugs my friend!!! xo
Good for you Lucinda! Awareness is a great educator! So glad you are out there for us to see what collective consciencness can do!
Lucinda, this is an uplifting post. You are so sweet, strong and caring. The Susan Komen Race for the Cure was on Saturday here. Jim and I walked it with our team. It was an amazing sight to see Las Vegas Boulevard blocked off to automobile traffic in the downtown area and for blocks there were runners and walkers filling the street.
Beautiful and inspiring post.
I can feel your strength, your gentleness, your caring and your power, which you pass on through your sharing; just by reading it I feel even a drop more of all of those too:))
Wishing you happy and healthy and light-filled days.
Yay! Shine on.. Rock On Lucinda...you are super-awesome..thanks for sharing this powerful event! Wonderful photos..fabulous news! Beautiful post!!
I love it! We are a remarkable group, are we not?
PS This May 21st marks my 8th anniversary of surviving ovarian cancer. :)
welldone lucinda ... i know how much it means .
Very moving.. and powerful.
It sounds as though the event was very moving and powerful. How awesome that money was raised and hearts will never be the same. When you say halle was struck, do you mean emotionally? I hope, not with a piece of fruit or something.
Bravo sista! : )
I can't begn to imagine what an emotional event this must have been to take part in, for so many different reasons. I lost my dear, sweet Grandmother to breast cancer, too many years ago, she left such a hole in my life, yet she is still in my heart every day. Well done to you Lucinda and all who took part x hugs x
A M A Z I N G... so proud of you... xoxo
Our acts makes us noble..and YOU ARE§
My hats off to the ones like you!
warm hugs
Thanks everyone for your sweet comments! I will be back soon!!!
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