"All, everything that I understand,
I understand only because I love.
Everything is, everything exists, only because I love.
Everything is united by it alone.
Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love,
shall return to the general and eternal source."
~Leo Tolstoy

Just got back from seeing The Last Station! We, my friend Drew and I, hoped that the drive over to The Westside Pavillion and negotiating the craziness of holiday crowds
and parking to see a movie, would be worth our trouble. It was. We loved it! What a
fabulous film!
Christopher Plummer, Helen Mirren and James McCovoy ... all beautiful performances. If Helen Mirren hadn't won for The Queen, she would win for this.
And course for me, Captain von Trapp can do no wrong. "A captain with seven children, what's so fearsome about that? ... " O.K. sorry, Sound of Music flashback.
Anyway, it was beautifully shot and completely takes you to another place in time.
I may have said that about Bright Star but it is true in this case as well. The world,
in this case is of Leo Tolstoy in 1910 Russia. Unless you hate period dramas, go see it when it opens in your town! So far it is the best film and my favorite of 2009.
"Art is not a handicraft,
it is the transmission of feeling
the artist has experienced."
~ Leo Tolstoy
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